Privacy Notice

  • Introduction

    We are Thorizon and your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important to us. When you interact with us, for example through visiting our website or exchanging e-mails, you share personal data with us. This Privacy Notice will help you understand what personal data we collect, why we collect it and what we do with it.

    Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions by sending us an e-mail to

    We have tried to keep this Privacy Notice as simple as possible, but to help your understanding please familiarise yourself with the following privacy terms:

    • Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable living person (for example, name, email address, card details, social media profile). 
    • Processing means any operation that is performed upon personal data, including collecting, using, and storing data.
    • When “you” or “your” are used in this statement, we are referring to the relevant individual who is the subject of the personal data.

    Who are we?

    References to "our", "us" or "we" within this Privacy Notice include all Thorizon’ group companies in both The Netherlands and France.

    Thorizon is the data controller of your personal data. This means that we decide how and why your personal data is processed.

    What data do we collect and how do we use it?

    The type(s) of personal data we may collect directly from you, as well as how we collect it, depends on how you interact with us.

    • Personal data you provide us directly: this includes personal data you provide us when you sign up for a newsletter, send in a job application or share a business proposal.
    • Personal data we collect automatically: We collect certain types of personal data when you interact with us online. For example, about how you navigate around our website. We use cookies to collect some of this personal data. To find out more about how we use cookies and how to exercise your choices about these, please see the information in our Cookie Policy .
    • Personal data we collect from other sources: We may also collect your personal data from third parties. This includes trusted partners who provide services, for instance marketing, on our behalf, or online platforms where you interact with our content. For example, we may collect information about where you have interacted with our content on social media platforms by ‘liking’ one of our posts or clicking on one of our adverts (Please note that these third parties generally have their own privacy notices and terms.)

    We only process your personal data in the presence of one or more of the lawful bases established by current legislation. The lawful basis on which Thorizon relies will vary depending on the personal data itself and the specific purpose for which Tractebel collects it. Specifically:          

    • Upon your consent. For example, we will only send you Thorizon newsletters if you agree to do so.
    • For compliance with a legal obligation. We may process your personal data if such is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject. For example, keeping records for tax purposes or providing information to a public body or law enforcement agency.
    • For our legitimate interest. We may process  your personal data for our legitimate interest, for example when we respond to your queries or job application. We only process personal data based on our legitimate interests as far as such processing is necessary to achieve our purposes. In such a case we would balance your rights and freedoms against our interests and proceed only if your rights are not infringed.

    How long do we keep your personal data?

    We will not keep your personal data longer than necessary to meet the purposes for which it was gathered. Once this purpose has been fulfilled, we will either securely remove your personal data from our systems or anonymize it.

    Please note that in some cases we may have legal obligations to keep your data for some time after the initial purpose for collection has been met. For example, where we must keep your data for accounting, tax, litigation, or regulatory reasons.

    Who do we share your personal data with?

    We may disclose your personal data to certain third parties, vendors and service providers or affiliated employees, contractors and entities as described below.

    When we share your personal data, we do so for the following purposes:

    • Third-party service providers. We use third parties to help us process your personal data to provide some of our services. For example, related to newsletters and certain HR services.
    • Regulator(s) or Government Authorities. We may transfer and disclose your personal data to comply with a legal obligation and when we believe that an applicable law requires it. For example, at the request of a regulatory authority conducting an investigation.
    • Change of business structure. If the structure of our business changes, for example, if we merge, combine or divest a part of our business, we may need to transfer your personal data to the relevant third party or newly established business entity. This would be done, for instance, as part of any due diligence process or for the same purposes as set out in this Privacy Notice.

    Where do we store your personal data?

    Thorizon stores your personal data on servers located in the European Union.  

    Some third parties may be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). When applicable, we have taken appropriate security measures to share personal data. We also consider the additional requirements of the GDPR for transfers outside the EEA.

    How do we keep your data secure?

    To protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss, we have put appropriate technical and organizational measures in place. These include limiting and controlling those who can access the data, two-factor authentication and creating back-ups.

    What are your rights and how to exercise them?

    You have rights relating to your personal data. You can exercise these rights (as explained below) by sending an email with your contact details and your request to We will handle your request carefully and respond to you without undue delay and at the latest within one month after receiving your request, unless there is a lawful reason to extend this period in which case we will let you know as soon as possible.

    Please note that the extent to which you can exercise your rights may be limited by the rights and interests of other parties. For example, we may not be able to delete all of your personal data upon request if we have to keep it for regulatory reasons. If we are unable to exercise your request, then we will let you know and explain why without undue delay.

    • Access: you can ask us whether we process your personal data and, if so, request a copy of that personal data.
    • Correction: you can request that we correct any personal data that we process about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.
    • Processing restriction: you can request that we limit or stop the processing of your personal data in some circumstances, such as when you contest the accuracy of the personal data.
    • Deletion: you can request that we delete your personal data in some circumstance
    • Move, copy or transfer: you can request, in certain circumstances, that we transfer the personal data that you have shared with us to you or a third party of your choice. In such a case we are under an obligation to send the data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.
    • Objection to data processing: you can object to our processing of your personal data in some circumstances and request that we stop such processing at any time, including where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
    • Withdraw consent: where you have agreed to your data being collected, you will always have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
    • Exclusion from automated decision-making: you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing of your personal data, if that decision would impact your legal rights or affect you in an otherwise significant manner. We do not use such automated decision-making with our processing of your personal data described in this Privacy Notice.
    • Complaint to a supervisory authority: If you have a concern about the way we have handled your personal data, and you are located within the EU, and/or your rights were infringed within an EU country, you can lodge a complaint with your local data protection supervisory authority. A list of EU supervisory authorities is available here.  

    How do we deal with cookies?

    We also use cookies to collect and process personal data. To find out more about how we use cookies, and similar tracking technologies online, and how to exercise your choices about these, please see our Cookie Policy.

    Contacting us

    If you want to exercise any of the rights set out above or have any questions or concerns about how we look after your personal data, please contact us at

    Changes to this privacy notice

    We keep this Privacy Notice under regular review and will update it, when necessary, for example to reflect new legal or regulatory obligations, or in response to new data Processing activities. We advise you to consult our website frequently to check for any updates or changes. We will always include at the top of the Privacy Notice the date on which it was last updated.